book party + driver's ed
The best thing I did this year was force my friends to yell about books
For my birthday this year, I wanted to combine my two favorite pastimes: happy yelling and books. Some people want a new toothbrush for their birthday; I wanted to make the case for Claire Keegan's "Small Things Like These" being the new "Night Before Christmas" (I said it! I stand by it! Read this book by your Christmas tree's lights next year and tell me it isn't your new favorite tradition).
For my birthday, I wanted to share my enthusiasm for books. It is an understatement to say that enthusiasm comes naturally to me. My social media handle is @kathleenicanrah because in college, a friend named Chapin said I "brought the rah." Though he's likely a Wall Street bro now, the point remains: I can cheer lead, and I was going to bring the “rah” for books
The party rules were:
Everyone brings a favorite book (any genre, used welcome!). No one is allowed to criticize any book that is brought. (As someone with Opinions About Everything, I understand the Joy Of Hating, but no one wants to hear why Janet dislikes their favorite book.)
Everyone gets one minute to pitch their book. Some people are natural salespeople, others aren't, but there's nothing better than hearing someone describe why they love a book in one minute. Yes, some people cried! I loved it!
Break for party/food/hangout. This is when the real party happens, as everyone has something to discuss beyond children/jobs/upcoming travel/boring adult shit that most party conversations consist of (tell me I’m wrong.)
White elephant book exchange, with major pressure to steal. A white elephant party without stealing is boring (I said it!), and the stealing led to the best birthday gift: HAPPY YELLING ABOUT BOOKS!
If you are looking for a party idea, I highly recommend. And, because it matters, the most popular stolen books were Clare Lombardo's "Same as It Ever Was," Carley Fortune's "Every Summer After," and a Renee Erickson cookbook. The range! We love to see it.
Bless this driver, bless this driver's parents, bless this driving teacher, bless this cop car in the parking lot that had to travel approximately 10 feet to attend to this emergency ("emergency").
I hope in this weird in-between week you don't have to drive anywhere and you get to read lots of books. And I hope, as always, you have a little laugh.
xo, Kathleen
PS- In the last few posts, I accidentally set my comments to subscribers only - whoopsies! This was a mistake! I want to hear everyone's thoughts all the time (truly), and am so appreciative of likes/hearts and comments. How was your Christmas? Did you get any books you want to excitedly yell about? (I DID! SHOUT OUT TO NORTH WORDS WOO!) I’d love to hear about it.
I will yell with you about Small Things Like These!! Claire Keegan does not miss.
I am planning this for my birthday this year. (The book yelling not the drivers test fail.) I expect you to attend. ❤️