Sep 22Liked by Kathleen Donahoe

Sobriety (one year October 7th)


Hormone replacement therapy

My kids’ iPads

The fact that tomorrow is Monday


Libra season

Gardening planning

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Sep 22Liked by Kathleen Donahoe

These things aren’t saving me but they’re helping

And how could I forget THE GROUP CHAT

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The group chat is the ONLY sanity in my life. ONLY!!!!!

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Sep 22Liked by Kathleen Donahoe

What is saving me currently is a very low dose of an SSRI, my weaving class and its accompanying banter with my classmates, working with a financial planner to plot our early retirement scheme, and fresh tomatoes from my garden for lunch. I spend less time silent yelling and more time making a "Are you fucking for real right now?" face at my 13-year-old. Can't dish it out if you can't take it, kid.

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DON'T DISH IT OUT IF YOU CAN'T TAKE IT, CHILD. (also love this early retirement plan, very, very much)

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Sep 21Liked by Kathleen Donahoe

Great post and poem! Saving me: a quiet house with kids back in school, saying no to things that want to steal my time, my writing community, daily walks, my ember mug so I don't have to microwave coffee.

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those ember mugs are LEGIT.

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sure are!

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Sep 21Liked by Kathleen Donahoe

DO I NEED TO GET SUPER INTO A ZERO CALORIE COKE BEVERAGE? Because I’m hearing good things. Right now. In your comment section.

Currently saving me: sunny mornings, raw apples, salted almonds, 90s music, long walks.

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same question

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Sep 20Liked by Kathleen Donahoe

(Hold the phone- that pixie cut is cuuuute!) Saving me: live music, walks, my girl gang, planning an easy (!) casual (!) wedding, September and October weather and colors. 🍂

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(Me screamyelling WEDDING!!!!!!)

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Sep 20Liked by Kathleen Donahoe

Saving me: therapy, Coke Zero, smart women who are also hilarious, occasional grey days (would love more please, talking to you San Diego)

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Sep 20Liked by Kathleen Donahoe

Saving me right now: gossip, very cold Diet Coke, group chats (see also: gossip), the promise of fall weather and not being sweaty as much soon

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it’s been a good week for gossip

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“All the things I thought would save me” is a great writing prompt 😊 Love a great eyebrow raise. What is saving me right now : SWIMMING and SOBRIETY 🌊 ❤️

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yes yes yes, that is a very good list. This poem was the inspiration. It's beautiful! I obviously went a different way, ha. https://onbeing.org/poetry/no-time-to-wait/

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